➣ Baselines Experiments and Tutorials in AllenAct
Contribute codes for baseline experiments and pretrained models of various of MuJoCo environments to the project of AllenAct, and provide a Tutorial.
Contribute codes for baseline experiments and pretrained models of various of MuJoCo environments to the project of AllenAct, and provide a Tutorial.
Full time research internship for learning, understanding, developing, and optimizing computer vision models to complete intelligent solutions for pathological images at Thorough Images(the GitHub Repo is hidden for publication so far).
This is the project for the capstone course MATH 471 Topology at Macalester College, discussing the power of topological data analysis for machine learning. Due to the time limit, the test for methodology was only on the MNIST dataset. Digital Artifact Notebook, GitHub Repo
2020 Summer Research with professor Esra Kadioglu Urtis, and students Aaron Gould, Elisabeth Landgren, and Fan Zhang at Macalester College. We developed and implemented reinforcement learning based algorithms with simulations and a gym environment for coverage path planning for multiple drones using Actor Critic using Kronecker-Factored Trust Region (ACKTR) deep reinforcement learning method provided by Stable Baselines(OpenAI) in Python(My Reseaerch Report, My Github Repository).
This is the first practice for machine learning and for Kaggle competition: House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques. Using Ridge, Lasso, LGBM, XGB, Stacking CV Regressor, and etc, to reach Score(mean absolute error): 11977.59807; 13th place out of 19,465 teams (0.06%) For more information, please see my project directly or visit my Github Repository.
This is the final paper for the 20th Annual High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM), problem A.
Using MATLAB, I built models to determine the required number of drones and every drone’s initial location during the process. Any simple pictures or icons could be designed for the drone show by my MATLAB program.View PDF
This project is mentored by Albert Chen at UCLA and the final paper was published.
In this work, using COMSOL and MATLAB, a finite element code was used for the design, optimization and visualization of a comb drive accelerator.